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FFS Surgery Recovery Time – Things to Prepare for to Minimize the Time

FFS Recovery

When having any form of FFS surgery performed, most patients are eager to know how long their recovery times can be expected to last. Although the recovery time for some procedures may be a little longer than others, patients who have had facial feminization surgery performed can rest assured that their recovery times are normally shorter than those who have had more extensive forms of cosmetic surgery performed.

Arrange In-Home Help

It is strongly recommended that FFS patients ensure that they have someone around who will not only be able to drive them home after surgery, but who will be able to spend a day or two with them at home afterwards as well. This will help ensure that the patient is able to get as much rest as possible and not have to worry about preparing meals or any other form of work for a few days – after effects of any anesthesia that has been administered can also leave a patient feeling quite drowsy for a few days afterwards. The more rest a patient is able to enjoy; the quicker the recovery time will be as well.

Keep a Supply of Crushed Ice on Hand

As with having any form of surgery performed, facial feminization surgery patients can expect to experience a little swelling and mild bruising at the site of the surgery. This can last a few days; however, the appearance of the bruising can be minimized substantially if ice is applied to the surgery site as soon as possible after arriving home. While regular ice cubes and ice packs can be a little inconvenient to use, crushed ice that is placed in a sealable bag can be applied to the surgery site several times a day. An added advantage is that the crushed ice will conform to the shape of the area being treated as well – unlike harder ice packs or cubes.

Follow the Surgeon’s Advice

To help ensure that a patient’s recovery time is kept to a minimum, it is imperative that the surgeon’s advice be followed carefully when it comes to post-operative care. It will be necessary to stay out of the sun completely for the first few days, as the skin will be extremely sensitive at the site of the surgery. In some cases, dressings may need to be changed regularly to prevent the onset of infection. Most surgeons will recommend that their patients drink a lot of water post-surgery, as this will help flush the anesthesia and other remaining toxins from the body as well.

Following the above mentioned advice will help patients who have had any form of FFS surgery performed to recover quickly and return to their normal daily routines as quickly as possible afterwards. Being prepared ahead of time will also help ensure that facial feminization surgery patients will not have the added stress of trying to do too much on their own after having their chosen procedures performed.