Although double chins can be caused by excessive weight in the face or neck region, this isn’t the only culprit. Double chins can also be caused by weak jaw lines, or sagging skin caused by the natural aging process.
A double chin is a source of stress, discomfort, and reason behind failing confidence for many people – and is also one of the hardest places to exercise or target to get rid of. This is why so many people turn to surgery to get rid of their double chins. The good news is there are a variety of different options, ranging from noninvasive to full blown surgery. Look at the options below to help figure out which method is the right one for you.
Noninvasive Option: Kybella Injections
Kybella injections are a new breakthrough in targeting stubborn fat, and it works particularly well in the neck region. It is also noninvasive, which makes it perfect for people who don’t want to opt for full blown surgery yet. With Kybella treatments, a few small injections are made in the areas around the neck where the fat has deposited. The fat liquifies, and then is naturally gotten rid of through normally body detoxification processes.
The results received through Kybella injections are not immediate, but over the course of a few days to a few weeks, you will receive your final results – which means no more double chin.
Minimally Invasive Option: Laser Liposuction
Laser liposuction is a minimally invasive option that liquifies the fat around the neck area by way of heat. Very small tubes are then placed to drain out the fat, which gives you instant results. As a bonus, the heat used in laser liposuction also makes the skin tighten and contract. The results are less fat, tighter skin, and an instantly more youthful jawline.
A minimal amount of recovery time is necessary, but as there may be tiny amounts of discomfort or bruising you should leave two to three days free for your body to recover prior to resuming normal activities.
Full Surgical Procedure: Neck Lift w/Fat Removal
During a neck lift, the fat is surgically removed from troubled areas. Sagging muscles are tightened, and any loose skin left behind is then removed through surgical incisions behind the ears. This placement means the scars are not noticeable. Since the techniques used encompass all the troubles that contribute to a double chin, the results are truly earth-shattering.
An important thing to note is that this is full invasive surgery, and you will need an adequate amount of recovery time prior to resuming your normal routine. You may experience swelling, bruising, discomfort, and tiny amounts of bleeding in the days following your surgery. Some individuals may find themselves ready to go back to work in a few days, while others may require a week or even a little more.